Sunday 15 February 2015

Jesmond Dene

Jesmond Dene, is located in the Heart of Newcastle. This beautiful park was created by lord Armstrong and his wife in the mid 18th century. The park is a labyrinth of winding narrow pathways and streams. your senses are serenaded by the dominating trees that stand tall, the skyline is littered by their canopy's. Everywhere you turn there is something unusual and beautiful to look at. The park is a favourite for dog walkers family's and friends .The peaceful environment is great for clearing your head or just going for a stroll. I have spent many happy hours in jesmond dene with my friends having a kick about or just walking my dog.

// hand made waterfall //

thank you for reading, if your ever in need of some relaxation Jesmond dene is the place to go!

Monday 9 February 2015

Street Photography

Street photography is most commonly defined as ''photography that features the human condition within public places'' .Personally i have A great admiration for those who can master the art of street photography. Capturing the human in its natural environment is a skill that doesn't come easy capturing a moment of somebody's life that will forever be a physical object. The saying A picture tells a thousand words couldn't be more appropriate than for street photography. A pictures could capture an emotion unknown to the viewer a time in a persons life that is unknown to the viewer but never the less with street photography we will always make up our own stories and i think that's what makes street photography so personal not only to the subject but to the viewer we all translate that imagine in our own way.

The lines between street photography and photojournalism are very thin and often crossed ,so here are a few street / photojournalism photographers that have inspired me :


Eric Kim claims his aim in photography is to make claims about society.

Based on the streets of New York famous for his candid up close shots.

In my view Klein is the god of street photography growing up in times of political unrest gave Klein opportunity to capture some amazing photographs with his film camera. I get most of my inspiration from his work
On Saturday me and my friends went out and tried to replicate the style of these iconic photographers

The following pictures fit loosely into the street photography bracket....(ish)

Thank you for reading and any tips or comments would be appreciated !

Saturday 7 February 2015

Newcastle Cathedral - St. Nicholas

Saturday 7th of Febuary 2015,

The Newcastle Cathedral Church of St Nicholas was founded in 1901 and is the seat for the Bishop of Newcastle. The building that currently stands was completed in 1350 ,it is thought that Hadrian's wall may have ran through the court yard but the exact location is unknown. The churches iconic lantern spire was once used by sailors using the River Tyne as a navigator ,due to its towering height.

The Font hung directly in front of the entrance

the church had hundreds of ornate sculptures laid majestically amongst the maverick architecture 

the church was also home to many delicate stained glass windows

many burial stones lay on the floor of the church

rows of pews lined the dominating supporting pillars of the churches interior

the churches elegant lighting due to the vast windows was very good for a couple of cheeky portraits;
and the final picture i took was of the unforgettable exterior
I also made a short video in the church
excuse the quality (or lack of )